If you’re running a service-based business, you obviously need a steady stream of clients to keep yourself afloat.
But the biggest question for those providing services is…
How in the world do you manifest dream clients in your business?
Well, there are two important elements that you have to consider. You need to implement smart business strategies to bring in new clients, but you also have to work on your mindset and manifestation.
And the latter is that we’re going to talk about today.
How to Attract Your Dream Clients to Your Business
It’s no secret that I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction. That’s why I rely on manifestation techniques as part of my business strategy. And it’s especially important when it comes time to manifest dream clients. After all, if I don’t visualize attracting the clients I want, how can I expect them to hire me? So, these are the methods I use to create a steady stream of amazing customers:
1. Know the Type of Person You Want to Work With
First and foremost, you need to know and understand your ideal client. Without knowing who you want to work with, how can you expect to attract them to your business? And let’s face it, no one wants to work with a slew of all the wrong clients. That would be disastrous!
Instead, you need to get clear on the type of person who would be your dream client. What is she like? Do you know about her interests? What does she need help with and how can you best serve her? These are only a few things to figure out, of course! But when you have that detailed picture in your mind, it makes it easier to visualize this person hiring and working with you.
If you haven’t already, design an archetype of your ideal client. This way, you can create content for the right people and work with the ones who are meant to be your clients.
2. Set a Goal For How Many Clients You’d Like to Work With
In order to manifest dream clients in your business, you need to know how many clients you’d like to have. You can’t just tell the Universe that you want “more clients.” That might get you one more and that’s it, which probably isn’t enough. You have to be specific if you want real results.
The best way to do this is to determine how much money you’d like to make each month. Then, figure out how many clients you’d have to work with to meet that goal. If you’d have to work with a crazy amount of clients to hit your income goal, that’s a good sign you need to raise your prices. Or you need to make sure you have other streams of income that are steadily bringing cash.
Manifesting works best when you place a clear order with the Universe. This is an important step because you need to request exactly what you want if you hope to stand any chance at receiving it.
3. Implement the Chalkboard Method
I learned about the Chalkboard Method from Being Boss years ago. It basically teaches you that if you want to manifest something into your life, you have to make space for it. The Chalkboard Method helps you do this with clients and customers within your business. Being Boss explains this technique far better than I could, so definitely go and check it out. Then, give it a try for yourself!
Once you’ve implemented the Chalkboard Method with space for all those dreamy clients… Make sure you put it somewhere you’re going to see it every day. It’ll serve as a reminder of what you’re working towards, which is important.
4. Practice Visualizations to Bring in Your Dream Clients
The next step is to begin visualizing new clients coming to you. How do you do that? Imagine the dreamiest of dreamy clients has reach out to work with you. See the email pop into your inbox and feel the excitement over this new inquiry. Visualize the process of getting that person signed up for your service. Picture how your session together will go. And feel how amazing it will feel to be working with this person.
By doing this, you’re going to raise your vibration and open yourself up to bringing in all those new clients.
5. Track the Money You Receive Daily
By tracking the money you receive, it gives you a chance to express your gratitude for it. You can use that opportunity to say thanks to the Universe for bringing it to you. Feel that appreciation, no matter how big or small the sum of money is. My favorite tool for this is the Lucky Bitch app by Denise Duffield-Thomas. It’s a must!
6. Trust That the Universe Will Provide for You
And finally, trust that the Universe is going to take care of you. If you don’t believe that the Universe will give you what you truly want, how can you expect it to manifest? You simply can’t! Don’t worry about how it’s going to happen. Trust in the divine timing of the Universe and let it play its course.