You obviously want to get your blog noticed, right?
After all, it’s kind of essential if you want your website to become the profitable, thriving business you’ve dreamed of.
But here’s the thing… Getting noticed online isn’t always easy considering there’s so much happening on the web today. There are tons of blogs out there. And many of them are sharing the exact same content you are. That makes it much harder to stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself.
That doesn’t mean you’re completely doomed though! There are 13 ways to get your blog noticed, which you can start implementing today.
13 Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed
To help you stand out online, there are a few tactics you can use! These are all incredibly simple things that will help you boost your traffic and help you make more connections. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Find Your Blog’s Niche
If you really want to get your blog noticed, you need to narrow your focus instead of writing about everything under the sun. There are going to be some people who disagree with this advice. But think about it… If I wrote about all kinds of different topics, I’m going to attract a wide variety of people to my site.
It’s going to be impossible to learn about all of them and spot any kind of patterns in terms of their interests. And you need to know who your audience is in order to create the content that resonates. Plus, you have to learn more about them if you hope to design the products and services they want to buy. (Read more in my post, Why You Need to Know Your Target Market.)
Get clear on what your area of expertise is and who you want to attract to your blog. When you do, you’ll start producing the amazing content, products, and services that attract all the right people.
2. Consistently Produce Quality Content
There’s no denying that content is king. And as a blogger, it’s your job to produce amazing content on a regular basis.
If you aren’t, can you really call yourself a blogger? I hate to say it, but I don’t think so.
By publishing quality content to your site, you’re going to stand a better chance at attracting more readers. And that’s obviously a must if you want your blog to succeed! The good news is, you don’t have to post every single day. You just need to choose a posting frequency that works for you and stick with it.
3. Be SEO-Friendly
Another way to get your blog noticed is to utilize SEO strategies to increase your ranking in search results. It’s important that you take the time to optimize your posts if you people to discover your content organically. Plus, is there anything more satisfying than seeing your content rank on the first page of Google?
There are so many things to learn about SEO, but these are the absolute basics you need to implement:
- Learn how to search for and choose the target keywords for each of your blog posts.
- Optimize your content by using your desired keyword in a few key places. It should be in your post title, URL, meta description, alt text on images, and throughout the post.
4. Share Your Content on Social Media
I know this is super obvious, but I still see so many people who fail to share their content on social media. I’m often encouraging my clients to step it up when it comes to their social media promotion. But the thing is, so many people feel sleazy or salesy by doing this.
However, you really shouldn’t feel this way.
This is your content. You’re proud of it. And you should show it off! Don’t think of yourself as being too self-promotional. Instead, think of the value your post is going to provide to someone who needs it. You’re essentially doing them a favor by sharing it so they’re more likely to discover it.
5. Be Shareable
Sticking to the social media topic, you also want to make sure your blog is highly shareable. The social media sharing doesn’t have to be left up entirely to you. You can encourage your readers to share your work as well.
But they aren’t going to be bothered to share your new blog post if you don’t make it easy for them.
To boost your social media shares, try doing these things:
- Install a social media sharing plugin that adds share buttons to all of your blog posts. Make sure they’re visible so they don’t get overlooked!
- Include “Pin It” buttons that appear whenever you hover over an image on your site. This will increase your shares to Pinterest.
- Add “Click to Tweet” buttons to every post. With just a few simple clicks, readers can share your post to Twitter. And you’ve already crafted the perfect copy, so they don’t have to!
6. Guest Post to Share Your Expertise
Guest posting on other sites is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed. It gives you exposure to a whole new audience and helps you build authority in your field.
If you want to see those results, you need to go about guest blogging the right way though. For instance, you should be contributing to sites that have the audience you’re trying to reach. If you post on websites that have the wrong audience, they won’t be interested in your content or your blog. There are more tips for a successful contribution in my post, 10 Tips for Writing a Guest Post.
7. Introduce Video Content Into Your Web Presence
If you aren’t already taking advantage of video, you absolutely need to be. Video content allows your audience to connect with you on a whole other level. They get to see you and hear you. And it’s like they’re sitting in the room with you.
It’s just a whole different vibe from reading a blog post.
Luckily, there are a number of ways you can get started with video. You can start a YouTube channel, host webinars, or just go live on Facebook and Instagram. Ease into it and see what feels good to you!
8. Collaborate With Other Bloggers
I mentioned guest posting before, but that’s not the only way you can team up with other bloggers. There are tons of ways you can use collaborations to get your blog noticed. You just have to get creative and find a great person to work with!
Together, you can do a joint webinar, host a podcast, and so much more! There are plenty of collaboration ideas here.
9. Join Online Groups & Forums
By actively participating in various groups and forums, you can get more people to check out your website. Start searching for Facebook groups or forums where your target audience is spending their time. Then, join them and become an active poster. When you’re posting regularly, you increase the likelihood that someone is going to check out your content.
To really take advantage of Facebook groups, I have a post that details how you can use them to grow your business.
10. Participate in a Twitter Chat
Similarly, another online community you can join is a Twitter chat. These live chats are fantastic opportunities to share your expertise, learn from others, and make new connections online. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met through Twitter chats. Many of whom have become loyal supporters of my blog, which I couldn’t be more grateful for.
Find a chat that you can really shine in and make it your mission to participate every week.
11. Engage With Other Bloggers Through Their Comments Section
If you read a blog post you love, take the time to leave a comment. You have no idea how much this means to the blogger who wrote it. They love to see that others appreciate the work they’re putting in. So, if you enjoyed the advice they shared, let them know! It only takes a minute and they’ll absolutely love you for it.
12. Create a Free Challenge
Running a successful challenge is no easy task, but let me tell you… It really pays off.
I’ve run so many challenges in my years of blogging. They’ve all proven to be incredible effective when it comes to boosting my traffic, getting more followers, and making new connections online. Plus, the participants always get something out of it, which is the most important thing here. You’re able to help people and provide them with tons of value.
Think of a free challenge you can offer to your audience. What could you help them with? Then, create it and put it out there to the world! You’ll be glad you did when you see your audience is growing and engaging with you.
13. Get Out There & Connect In Person
How many of you are utilizing those in-person connections to get your blog noticed? If I had to guess, not many!
You see, we fail to get out there in the “real world.” We’re too focused on our computers and being online. But we can actually meet amazing people right in our own backyards who are interested in the content we’re creating.
My advice is to find some local networking groups you can take part in. This makes it much less intimidating. With so many similar people coming together, it’s an opportunity to learn, collaborate, and grow.
Want more tips to get your blog noticed?
Everything you need to know about building a successful blog is in my course, Blogging Bombshell!